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Serum and salivary biomarkers for the diagnosis of gastric ulcer and intestinal colic in horses

A panel of analytes related to oxidative status can be measured with sufficient reliability and sensitivity in both saliva and serum of horses using automated tests.

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, byFederico Scorza
Gastric ulcers and colic with intestinal etiology (CIE) are highly prevalent diseases in domestic horses, with a negative impact on sport and reproductive life: analyzing their pathophysiology can be of great help. A study coordinated by María Dolores Contreras-Aguilar, of the Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery at Mare Nostrum University in Murcia, Spain, aims to To validate automated tests on both saliva and serum for the measurement of biomarkers of oxidative status and evaluate them in horses with gastric ulcer (squamous and/or glandular) and CIE, studying the possible relationship with their inflammatory and immune status. Bloo...
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