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28_05_2024_Microbiota intestinale fondamentale per salute e comportamento nei cavalli sportivi
Gut microbiota critical to health and behavior in sport horses
21_05_2024_Biomarker serici e salivari per la diagnosi di ulcera gastrica e coliche intestinali nei cavalli
Serum and salivary biomarkers for the diagnosis of gastric ulcer and intestinal colic in horses
31_01_2023_Alterazioni del microbioma fecale e del metaboloma di cavalli con diarrea da antibiotici
Alterations in the fecal microbiome and metabolome of horses with antibiotic diarrhea
20_12_2022_Gli insetti come fonte di nutrienti per l’alimentazione animale
Insects as a source of nutrients for animal nutrition
Assessing and treating wounds in veterinary care
Tannins: potential alternative to antibiotics in preventing E. coli diarrhea
10_05_22 probiotici
Gelatin tannate and tindalized probiotics: a new approach for the treatment of diarrhea
06_05_22 butirrato di calcio e estratti di tannino
Co-administration of calcium butyrate and tannin extract: possible alternative to antimicrobials?