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Cats: study evaluates effects of hydrolyzed diet and drugs for chronic vomiting or diarrhea

A recent study found that cats receiving a combined treatment of a hydrolyzed diet and antibiotics and/or glucocorticoids showed a poorer response to treatment than cats receiving only the hydrolyzed diet.

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, byCarlotta Zimbone
A recent study found that cats receiving a combined treatment of a hydrolyzed diet and antibiotics and/or glucocorticoids showed a poorer response to treatment than cats receiving only the hydrolyzed diet. The use of hydrolyzed diets in felines with gastrointestinal symptoms Feline chronic enteropathies (CE ) encapsulate a spectrum of disorders leading to chronic gastrointestinal(GI) signs. The etiology of ECs remains to be elucidated; it is hypothesized that the pathogenesis of ECs results from a combination of four key factors: genetic susceptibility, environmental risk factors, gut dysbiosis, and an altered immune response of the gastroi...
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