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Chronic diarrhea: new strategies for the rational use of antibiotics in dogs

A recent study highlighted the potential adverse effects of empirical administration of antibiotic drugs in dogs. Pets, in fact, can be reservoirs of drug-resistant pathogens, and the indiscriminate use of antibiotics risks exacerbating this problem.

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, byCarlotta Zimbone
Chronic diarrhea in dogs: the diagnostic-therapeutic pathway The diagnosis of chronic diarrhea is made through standard methodologies such as CBC, serum biochemical profile analysis, urinalysis, fecal tests, assessment of pancreatic function and inflammation, and endocrine assays. In addition to these procedures, there is the use of imaging techniques (e.g., abdominal radiography),gastrointestinal endoscopy, andbiopsy examination of the intestinal mucosa. Empirical treatments are often administered before the patient undergoes the more invasive diagnostic tests, as they are potentially useful strategies for the management of canine chronic ent...
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