Post anesthesia esophagitis in the dog and cat

Anesthesia is the most common cause of esophagitis: it is desirable to prevent acid reflux in predisposed individuals undergoing surgery.

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, byGiulia Pignataro
Esophagitis is an inflammation, localized or diffuse, of the esophageal mucosa; it is generally believed to be the result of caustic substance injury (e.g., gastric acid, bile acids) or from ingestion of toxic substances or foreign bodies, delay in gastric emptying due to concomitant diseases, hiatal hernia, and frequent vomiting. Similar to humans, the most frequent mechanism that induces esophagitis is gastroesophageal reflux, which recognizes several causes, including an inefficient lower esophageal sphincter. The diagnosis can be confirmed endoscopically, with esophageal biopsies, with esophageal pH monitoring or, finally, through a ...
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