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Urolithiasis in the cat: the consequences on the morphology of the ureter

Published in Research in Veterinary Science: Japanese histopathological study brings out the consequences of stones consisting of calcium oxalate.

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, bySilvano Marini
Urinary tract disorders are a problem that should not be underestimated in cats. In fact, according to large-scale surveys conducted in the United Kingdom, about 12 percent of causes of death in cats are attributable to kidney disease (note that this is three times the figure for dogs). It is also estimated that in Europe and the United States, lower urinary tract disease emerges in the cat in 4.6 percent of private visits and 7-8 percent of visits to university hospital centers. These are associated with manifestations such as pollakiuria, hematuria, stranguria, or with urinary tract obstructions that can cause uremia and hyperkalemia, wh...
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