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Antibiotic-responsive enteropathy in the dog: clinical evaluation and microbiota analysis

From an Italian multicenter study published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine the results before, during and after tylosin treatment.

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, bySilvano Marini
In dogs with enteropathy of inflammatory origin, chronic diarrhea is a frequent symptom. Based on the clinical response, food-responsiveenteropathy(FRE), immune-responsiveenteropathy(IRE), and antibiotic-responsive enteropathy(ARE), which also includes the subgroup of tylosin-sensitive diarrhea, are distinguished. Antibiotic-responsive enteropathy often involves large dogs, primarily German shepherds and shar-pei. The primary motive remains unknown, and because clinically antibiotic-responsive enteropathy is superimposable to other chronic enteropathies, diagnosis is made by exclusion, starting first with dieto-responsive enteropathy. T...
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