Dysbiosis of the feline bladder microbiome in renal failure

Although feline urinary tract diseases cause high rates of morbidity and mortality and subclinical bacteriuria is not uncommon, the feline urinary microbiome has not yet been characterized.

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, byGiulia Pignataro
In recent years, several studies have investigated the association of the urinary microbiome with various urinary and reproductive tract diseases in humans. Some of these suggest that, similar to host-associated microbial communities at other sites (e.g., the gut and skin microbiome), microorganisms in the urinary tract could play an important role in both health maintenance and disease development through complex interactions with the host. It seems reasonable, therefore, to speculate that there is also a feline urinary microbiome, which might interact differently with the host depending on the health of the urinary system The study of c...
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