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Atopic dermatitis in the dog, between genetic, environmental and allergen factors

A recent study summarizes the role of genetic and environmental factors and allergic sensitization in the pathogenesis of canine atopic dermatitis (cAD).

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, byFederico Scorza
A study coordinated by Patrick Hensel, from the Department of Animal Dermatology at Tierdermatologie in Basel, Switzerland, summarizes the role of genetic and environmental factors and allergic sensitization in the pathogenesis of canine atopic dermatitis (cAD) since the last ICADA (international committee of allergic diseases of animals) review in 2015. ADC is a common, complex, multifactorial disease involving genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and allergic sensitization, among others. Despite intensive research efforts, the detailed genetic background that predisposes to cAD and the effect of a wide range of environmental facto...
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