Skin and gut effects of nutraceuticals and diet in dogs with atopic dermatitis

A study conducted by the University of Teramo evaluates the effect of a nutraceutical product on the dysbiotic index (DI) and skin lesions of atopic dogs.

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, byGiulia Pignataro

By now, having covered this topic before, we are aware that an imbalance in the gut microbiota can cause health problems in the gastrointestinal tract and other organs. Although a complete understanding of the skin-gut axis has not yet been achieved, a growing number of studies show a close relationship between gastrointestinal imbalance and skin diseases.

The skin-gut axis study

In light of this, the University of Teramo conducted a study, in 2021, in which it evaluated the effect of a nutraceutical product on the dysbiotic index (DI) and skin lesions of atopic dogs.

Ribes Pet Symbio nutraceutical was administered to 32 dogs with atopic dermatitis. The product was combined with a standardized hypoallergenic diet for 60 days; the dietary regimen was continued for 120 days, while ongoing therapies remained unchanged. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Canine Atopic Lesional Dermatitis Index (CADLI) and DI index values were assessed at day 0, 60 and 120.

All 32 dogs showed a statistically significant decrease (p < 0.001) in VAS and CADLI values at 60 days, which persisted and increased at 120, when diet alone was conducted. The decrease in DI value was also statistically significant (p < 0.001); thus, all animals included in the trial, regardless of current therapies and improved quality of industrial food, had a dysbiotic condition.

Taking the nutraceutical in combination with diet resulted in a decrease in the gut dysbiosis index, with an improvement in the subjective severity of skin lesions.

The trial showed that treatment with the nutraceutical has a positive effect on modulating the canine intestinal microbiota, leading to a change in the dysbiotic conditions found in atopic dogs, further strengthening the evidence for the skin-gut axis.


Guidi, E.E.A.; Gramenzi, A.; Persico, P.; Di Prinzio, R.; Di Simone, D.; Cornegliani, L. Effects of Feeding a Hypoallergenic Diet with a Nutraceutical on Fecal Dysbiosis Index and Clinical Manifestations of Canine Atopic Dermatitis. Animals 2021, 11, 2985.

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