Switching from an extruded to mildly cooked diet: the effects on canine intestinal microbiota

The change in diet to a MC leads to a significant shift in the intraindividual diversity of the gut microbiota of dogs.

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, bySimona Purrello
Recent data indicate that pet dog owners in the United States are showing increasing interest in feeding their pets a mildly cooked diet (MC – literally slightly cooked), i.e. Based on the feeding of cooked food without undergoing the extrusion process which generates, instead, so-called dry feeds. Mildly cooked diet: what we know and what still needs to be evaluated MC products are increasingly commercially available, but the nutritional profile of this type of diet can differ significantly from dried and extruded food compared to which generally has a higher moisture content and a more digestible fat and protein profile. Howev...
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