Omega-3s influence the metabolic profile of dogs with degenerative myxomatous mitral valve disease

A study evaluates the effects of a dry commercial diet fortified with fish-derived EPA and DHA administered for six months to dogs with degenerative myxomatous mitral valve disease.

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, byGiulia Pignataro
The journal Animals published a study conducted by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Wroclaw, in collaboration with the Department of Organic Chemistry and some private Polish clinics, in which the effects of a dry commercial diet fortified with fish-derived EPA and DHA administered for six months to dogs with degenerative myxomatous mitral valve disease were evaluated. According to numerous research studies, omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the body’s metabolic functions. Omega-3 in the diet In both humans and animals receiving a diet enriched in essential fatty acids, particularl...
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