Effects of specific diets on the health of dogs with chronic kidney disease

One study compared the serum metabolomic profile of dogs with chronic kidney disease with that of healthy dogs and then evaluated the effect of a specific diet on disease status.

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, byAndrea Torrisi
Chronic kidney disease(CKD,vchronic kidney desease) is a widespread disorder among dogs and is considered the most common kidney disease in older individuals, although it can occur at any age. CKD is characterized by progressive loss of kidney function and is associated with high mortality. The main functions of the kidneys are secretion of cytokines and hormones, excretion of catabolites, and maintenance of electrolyte homeostasis in the body. Inefficiency in excreting catabolites following CKD can lead to uremic syndrome. This complication is commonly observed in advanced CKD and can alter the physiological and biochemical functions of th...
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