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Chronic intestinal inflammation in dogs: how it affects treatment

A U.S. study found that standard therapy for steroid-responsive enteropathy improves clinical signs, while changes in the microbiome and metabolome improve over a longer period of time.

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, byRaffaella Daghini
Gut inflammation and alterations in the microbiota, the set of microorganisms that populate the intestine, are typical and common manifestations of all chronic enteropathies in dogs, causing functional changes in the organ. Dysbiosis, in fact, is a manifestation associated with chronic intestinal inflammation, but also with other conditions, such as acute diarrhea, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, or taking antibiotics. Specifically, in dogs with steroid-responsive enteropathy(SRE), a form of chronic diarrhea that responds to treatment with corticosteroid drugs, studies have shown alterations in the composition of the microbiome (the ov...
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