Probiotics Vs postbiotics against intestinal dysbiosis in dogs: in vitro study

A recent study evaluated the effects of two specific commercial dietary supplements: a combination of postbiotics and prebiotics (Microbiotal cane®) and a probiotic product (NBF 1®) .

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, byGiulia Pignataro
Many environmental aspects influence the maintenance of a beneficial microbiome in dogs, and gut dysbiosis occurs when imbalances in the gut ecosystem cause functional changes in microbial populations. But is it possible to combine multiple supplements for modulation of the gut microbiota? The authors of the study conducted at the University of Teramo in 2024 evaluated the effects of two specific commercial dietary supplements: a combination of postbiotics and prebiotics (Microbiotal cane®) and a probiotic product (NBF 1®) recommended to counter intestinal dysbiosis in dogs, on the composition of the canine intestinal microbiota and its metab...
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