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DPA fatty acid: possible uses in ulcerative histiocytic colitis

The results of a recent study confirmed the hypothesis that the mechanism by which DPA intervenes in UC also involves the regulation of the gut microbiota and its metabolites in a preliminary way.

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, byGiulia Pignataro
Proper treatment of chronic gastrointestinal diseases remains a challenge. The side effects of traditional drugs led us to turn our attention to dietary intervention as well. Ulcerative histiocytic colitis (UC) in veterinary medicine is known in breeds such as the boxer and French bouledogue, but the same nutritional precautions can be used in chronic enteropathy. Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA, 22:5n-3) part of the essential fatty acid family, is poorly covered in the literature when it comes to gut and UC problems, most research in fact focusing on eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) or docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). For this reason, a 2022 Chines...
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