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Nutritional and nutraceutical management of feline patients with chronic kidney disease: two clinical cases

Placing attention on the proper intake of essential fatty acids can be a valuable aid during chronic inflammatory diseases such as in chronic nephropathy.

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, byGiulia Pignataro
Management of the patient withChronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is always a gamble for the veterinary practitioner despite being among the most common conditions seen in older cats. As a degenerative disease, unfortunately, there is no turning back, but it is possible to ensure a better quality of life for the patient by getting a helping hand from the world of nutraceuticals. Paying attention to the proper intake of essential fatty acids, whose omega 3/omega 6 ratio should be 1 to 6, can be a valuable aid during chronic inflammatory diseases such as in chronic nephropathy. Below are two clinical cases of cats with CKD treated with a nutra...
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