Honey combined with bromelain in the treatment of acute irritative cough

A Brazilian study evaluated the rate of immediate improvement of irritative cough in patients treated with the combination of Pineapple comosus extract and honey (Bromelin®) compared with the use of honey alone.

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, byGiulia Pignataro

Respiratory viral processes are generally self-limiting and characterized mainly by fever and cough, which are two independent indicators of the presence of the virus and tend to disappear in about a week.

Empirical therapy based on natural and/or herbal products is increasingly being used, with or without a prescription.

The study

One Brazilian study evaluated the rate of immediate improvement in irritative cough in patients treated with the combination of Pineapple comosus extract and honey (Bromelin®) compared with the use of honey alone (placebo group).

In this context, products derived from Ananas comosus extract (rich in bromelain) and honey have shown promising results, as they contain proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin, chymotrypsin, and bromelain. Bromelain is the generic name for the family of proteolytic enzymes containing the sulfhydryl radical derived from A. comosus, the pineapple plant, which also contains non-proteolytic enzymes with significant action on the respiratory mucosa.

Free of toxic effects, these pineapple-derived products have shown promising properties in in vitro studies: they interfere with the growth of malignant cells, inhibit platelet aggregation and coagulation, and have mainly anti-inflammatory and mucolytic actions. These are potentially beneficial actions; bromelain has shown remarkable efficacy in dissolving bronchial secretions, with the advantage of being a food component and, therefore, a safe substance for use in children.

The World Health Organization lists honey as a potential treatment for coughs in upper respiratory tract infections in children, considering it a symptomatic, inexpensive, popular, and safe treatment. Studies have attributed honey with antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties, as well as immunomodulatory properties.

Combining A. comosus extract with honey could be an advance in symptomatic treatment, possibly blocking the triggering mechanisms of cough due to viral or irritative conditions.


The rate of immediate improvement in irritative cough was similar in patients treated with the combination of Pineapple comosus extract and honey (Bromelin®) compared with the use of honey alone (placebo group). It is possible that honey has a therapeutic effect on mucus and cough characteristics.


Décio Medeiros Peixoto, José Angelo Rizzo, Deborah Schor, Almerinda Rêgo Silva, Dinaldo Cavalcanti de Oliveira, Dirceu Solé, Emanuel Sarinho. Use of honey associated with Ananas comosus (Bromelin) in the treatment of acute irritative cough. Revista Paulista de Pediatria (English Edition), Volume 34, Issue 4,2016, Pages 412-417, ISSN 2359-3482, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rppede.2016.04.002.

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