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Effects of a symbiotic supplement on cat health

A paper that appeared in the Journal of Feline Medicine & Surgery highlighted, as early as a decade ago, how supplementation with symbionts can give benefits in cats with chronic diarrhea.

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, byAndrea Torrisi
Chronic diarrhea is a common problem that occurs in cats of all ages. Often, medical history, physical examination, and basic tests do not reveal the underlying cause. Even in cases where stool examination shows no signs of parasitism and treatment with an anthelmintic agent does not resolve the diarrhea, further diagnostic testing can be expensive, invasive, and sometimes rejected by owners. Usually, you can intervene with symptomatic therapy, and/or by recommending a change in dietary regimens. A possible therapeutic target for cats with chronic diarrhea is the gastrointestinal microbiota. The quantitative and qualitative composition of the ...
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