Protective role of zinc in the pathogenesis of respiratory diseases

Zinc supplements inhibit viral replication and inflammatory cytokines in cell cultures

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, byGiulia Pignataro

Numerous studies show that an imbalance of zinc, an essential trace element, is associated with a range of lung diseases.

In a review of 2022, published in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers reviewed and summarized recent research (human subjects, animal studies, in vitro studies) on zinc in respiratory diseases to explore the protective mechanism of zinc from the perspective of regulating oxidative stress, inflammation, lipid metabolism, and apoptosis.

Zinc, as an intracellular signaling molecule, plays important roles in cell-mediated immune function and oxidative stress and, as a stable bivalent cation, participates in the regulation of the oxidoreductive balance.

Zinc supplements inhibit viral replication and inflammatory cytokines in cell cultures

Zinc and its specific transporters are potential targets in respiratory diseases, and zinc supplements have some therapeutic effects in asthma, COPD, lung cancer, COVID-19, and other respiratory diseases. Through dietary adjustment or dietary supplement therapy, the trace element can be enriched in the body where it exerts anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, and immunomodulatory functions and reduces adverse reactions of hormones, immunosuppressants, and other drugs.

Up to 30 percent of common respiratory infections, including colds, are caused by viruses (rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, and parainfluenza viruses). However, zinc appears to inhibit influenza virus RNA polymerase activity and leads to a decrease in viral titer. In addition, zinc supplementation has been shown to reduce the frequency and duration of common cold symptoms.

These properties can control various health conditions and improve patients’ quality of life. However, excessive levels of zinc in the body can cause cytotoxicity.


Luan, R., Ding, D., Xue, Q. et al. Protective role of zinc in the pathogenesis of respiratory diseases. Eur J Clin Nutr 77, 427-435 (2023).

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