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Canine cognitive dysfunction: presented at SCIVAC 2024 study on the efficacy of a nutraceutical

The purpose of a recent study by the Teramo Department of Veterinary Medicine was to evaluate the effectiveness of supplementation with an essential fatty acid nutraceutical in elderly dogs with cognitive dysfunction.

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, byGiulia Pignataro
Canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD) is an emerging neurodegenerative syndrome affecting the elderly dog with an estimated prevalence of between 14% and 60%. Recent studies have shown that the most effective treatment approach is a multimodal one that involves, in addition to the use of drugs, both environmental enrichment and the administration of dietary supplements, more properly called nutraceuticals. At the SCIVAC Rimini 2024 Congress, the work of a group of researchers from the Teramo Department of Veterinary Medicine, also recently published, on the use of the nutraceutical Neurogen Pet Ultra in elderly dogs with cognitive dysfunction wa...
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